Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I took these pictures almost exactly one year apart.

Today my baby turns one and (although I fully acknowledge it makes me sound ungrateful considering he is healthy and happy) this makes me incredibly sad. I have loved, LOVED this infant year and I don't want it to end. This has been the best year of my life and I can't help but feel some trepidation going into this next year that some of the magic will have worn off.

I spent most of my adult life certain that I never wanted children; in fact, Chuk and I delayed getting married until he agreed that we would never have kids. And then, one day, I changed my mind. I could have never guessed that becoming a mother, and a stay at home mom at that, would be the most fulfilling rewarding thing I have ever done. But that's the thing about babies I'm learning--they're full of surprises.

Will is still the sweetest, most expressive child I have ever met. He brings joy to everyone he comes across, but especially his dad and me. I feel overwhelmed with gratitude at my luck that I get to be the one to share his days with him.

Happy birthday, Sweetness. I love you with my whole heart.


  1. Congratulations! I know what you mean about feeling sad--I always wanted to be a mom, but I thought I wasn't really into *babies* until I had one--but there are so many great things ahead. You are right on the verge of being able to hear all about what he's thinking, which is fascinating. My son is 8 now, and every year has been special and unique.

    I love your comparison photos. :-)

  2. So sweet! I can't believe it's been a year already. Happy birthday, little one!

  3. Aw, nice! And the two photos next to each other are a great idea!

  4. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my breast feeding post. Awwww.....love the side by side pics. What a difference a year makes :) Happy 1st birthday to your adorable boy! It goes so fast. My daughter turned 1 in Nov and will be 1 1/2 on the 11th of this month, it goes way to fast. I agree that being a Mom and a SAHM is more rewarding then ever imaginable, and I was a never a baby/kid person, much like yourself. I still am not a huge baby/kid person, but I certainly love my baby girl :) Now following via GFC.
    ~Jackie @ The Non-Martha Momma

  5. amazing, isn't it? Thanks for being frank about being a mom - I think it's great that you had the grace to change your mind and your husband was on board, too. I've found there is something to love in each year with my children - and something that I'm happy to leave behind when they move on to the next stage.


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